UAE is moving one-tenth of its dollar reserves into euros, while the governor of the Saudi Arabian central bank condemned the
The UAE central bank will convert $23 BILLION, with a B, to Euros, from Dollars. Since BuSh has Bankrupt
The place to come for a DIFFERENT look at things. We try to use Common Sense and Logic. The only thing we ask is - you have an Open mind.
UAE is moving one-tenth of its dollar reserves into euros, while the governor of the Saudi Arabian central bank condemned the
The UAE central bank will convert $23 BILLION, with a B, to Euros, from Dollars. Since BuSh has Bankrupt
----- Original Message -----
From: "Review-Journal eForum" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, March 05, 2006 3:20 PM
Subject: Reply to post 'No one smokes marijuana in Vegas?'
> Dear lvken7,
> Strat has just replied to a thread you have subscribed to entitled - No
one smokes marijuana in Vegas? - in the Living in Las Vegas forum of
Review-Journal eForum.
> This thread is located at:
> Here is the message that has just been posted:
> ***************
> Wouldn't that depend on which law was broken?
> Littering is illegal. Double murder is illegal.
> Talk about a vague question ....
> ***************
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notifications until you visit the forum again.
> All the best,
> Review-Journal eForum
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