Condom Education should be commended, not condemned.
Bushs version of a Condom-less world is deadly.
Bush has said. "We need to tell our children that abstinence is the only certain way to avoid contracting HIV.
It works every time."
It SHOULD NOT be - Condom ONLY or Abstinence ONLY.
This is what - COFED - Catholic Agency for Overseas Development says -
Sadly, all too often the debate over HIV prevention has involved a contest between "condom only" or "abstinence/fidelity only" solutions. These have often been hijacked by political, religious or cultural agendas in turn fuelled by mutual distrust and prejudices. A third, middle-ground approach known as "ABC" - "abstain, be faithful, use a condom" has also emerged.
Condom campaigns have been particularly effective with groups at the highest risk - sex workers, for example - who may have few if any other realistic options for reducing this risk.
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