Some say - Starting salary for tech Support is around  $30,000 a year plus. That is a good wage in the U.S. In India, the same job pays about $12,000 a year, and the person in India, doing the same job,
That is the Fallacy of Outsourcing.
Think about it
when you want computer support
if you had a choice of 2 techs to talk to.
Which would you choose -
1 - someone with EXPERIENCE WITH the program you need help with
2 - Someone that know HOW the program is supposed to work but has NEVER USED THE PROGRAM ON A DAY TO DAY BASIS.
The BEST example of this is AOL. AOL Support (?) is in India. But, AOL is NOT available in India.
Those support people have NEVER used AOL in their Day to day use.
When I call for help with a program I KNOW how to program is SUPPOSED TO WORK.
But, it is NOT doing what it is supposed to do. THAT is why I am calling.
Corporate Robber Barons have cut themselves off from their customers.
They are selling Software that is INCOMPLETE. And, then they want us to PAY EXTRA
to make it work.
In my day that was called Robbery. And, the people that did it we called them CROOKS.