The place to come for a DIFFERENT look at things. We try to use Common Sense and Logic. The only thing we ask is - you have an Open mind.
If advertising REALLY worked, the company spending the MOST
would ALWAYS BE #1.
GM unveils Chevy Cobalt;General Motors unveiled its 2005 Chevrolet Cobalt on Monday, the latest new Chevy in a revamped line designed to boost the brand's sales to 3 million units - a level last reached in 1979.
GM also intends to shift its advertising focus in coming years to target consumers, rather than blanket television airwaves with costly commercials, he said.
"It's not all about who has the biggest advertising budget,"Cowger said. "It's about who is being heard and who's relevant."
If advertising REALLY worked, the company spending the MOST
would ALWAYS BE #1.
GM unveils Chevy Cobalt;General Motors unveiled its 2005 Chevrolet Cobalt on Monday, the latest new Chevy in a revamped line designed to boost the brand's sales to 3 million units - a level last reached in 1979.
GM also intends to shift its advertising focus in coming years to target consumers, rather than blanket television airwaves with costly commercials, he said.
"It's not all about who has the biggest advertising budget,"Cowger said. "It's about who is being heard and who's relevant."
Virginia's anti-spam law, considered one of the toughest in the nation, prohibits falsifying information that would allow bulk e-mailers to be identified. The fraud becomes a felony if the volume of spam exceeds 10,000 in 24 hours, 100,000 in 30 days or 1 million in a year.
What are YOUR opinions on the Wolfowitz’ s refusal to let other countries bid on Iraq Reconstruction. Should ANY Citizen be THIS POWERFUL? I don’t think
COST?Every day that NV Does NOT have a 5% Sales Tax on Ads the state loses $82,000. The money is being spent anyway, so, WHY isn’t it going to the state to provide NEEDED services – LIKESchools, and Health Care?
Ad budgets for companies WOULD STAY THE SAME. NO increase. 5% of THAT already allocated money would go to the states as an sales tax. Prices would NOT be effected.
Every incremental hike and every new tax simply continues down the
path to the eventual outcome that taxes are so high everyone has to go on the dole.
Not this tax. NV Getting an additional $300 million per year should go a LONG way on stopping future increases.
What is needed are spending cuts and complete reform of the tax system to something like a flat rate or ad valorem. Tax everyone equally, don't go looking for new fish to fry.
When the RJ edited what I sent him the ONLY thing that was changed was they made it sound like a FEDERAL Tax. It is intended to be a STATE SALES TAX. I SURE Agree that a Flat Tax is NEEDED.
I agree with your Tax Everyone Equally. Currently, Advertisers are
NOT PAYING THEIR SHARE.All it would "cost" is 5% less ads.
Surprise! Surprise! The RJ ran my Op-Ed piece on 5% Sales Tax on Advertising.
It is the Simple, Painless SOLUTION to a problem.
Sunday, December 07, 2003
LETTER: A small tax on ads
Nation could raise billions
Often, when the media are discussed, it is in the context of whether they are liberal or conservative. But what should be looked at is control. And the only thing all the media agree on? They don't talk about a sales tax on advertising -- even though a tiny 5 percent tax would bring in $30 billion a year nationally, well in excess of the tobacco settlement cash.
The only "cost" would be to divert 5 percent of ad budgets to the states in the form of a sales tax. We would be subjected to 5 percent less advertising.
How much would Nevada get? Hard to say. Nobody keeps records on advertising in specific states. Nevada has about 0.08 of the U.S. population, so if it got that percentage of the take, it would reap -- at a minimum -- $240 million per year.
The one thing this country has too much of is advertising. It is everywhere. The top 36 advertisers spend $80 billion-plus per year, according to Advertising Age figures. Not many people realize that the U.S. government is No. 24 on the list. In 2001, it spent $1.05 billion in tax money advertising. The question is not: What does it advertise? The question is: Why does it advertise? It spends twice what Wal-Mart spends.
I doubt if even most corporate officials realize there is no tax on advertising. I am sure that if they knew about the good a 5 percent federal tax would do, they would be for it. So who keeps the information from you?
I have talked to many people about the issue. I talked to GuyHobbs when he headed the governor's Task Force on Tax Policy. He kept promising me he would bring it up, but he never did.
We should have a national goal of being the best nation in the world. Since we don't, we should have a goal for Nevada to be the best state in the union. How do we do that? Simple. We need to produce the smartest people. How do we do that? We educate them. So we need the best educators. How do we get the best educators? We pay them.
Nevada's share of the $30 billion would go a long way toward fixing the things that this state needs. The best place to start would be education. Would our children be better off with the 5 percent of the advertising money going to the schools or to pay for ads on the monorail?
If businesses are not paying their fair share of federal tax revenues, they are in essence receiving a form of subsidy -- so we are subsidizing advertising. When you watch ads on TV, read them in the Sunday paper, or listen to them on the radio, think about how 5 percent of the money spent to produce and place them could go to reduce your taxes.
Advertisers are an enormous special interest group. And the media don't want to bite the hand that feeds them. But this idea needs discussion. American will survive with 5 percent less advertising.
KennethH.Jarvis (, an unsuccessful 2002 Republican candidate for the District 18 Assembly seat, writes from Las Vegas.
Repeat Sex Offender’s should be castrated, and I am talking Clip Clip. It is the ONLY deterrent they will understand. I hope you will join me on this one. Things like – what happened in NDakota has to stop.
Rush – Make those Nasty Old Democrats stop picking on me. All I did was break the law a few times. Is THAT a crime? What do they call it – Doctor Shopping? Doesn’t the Nations Loudmouth have a Right to do as he wishes?
Which Demo do you listen to? The ONLY one I listen to is Hillary - Bush is - "making America less free, fair, strong, smart than it deserves to be in a dangerous world."
"We have to change direction before irreparable harm is done,"
"This administration is in danger of being the first in American history to leave our nation worse off than when they found it."
Lets make a deal with the Record industry – You Stop Spammers, and we will pay to download music. OK?
Bushwant to the world to forget Iraq OLD Debt. The rest of the world want to Forget Bush. Bush wants ALL of the Oil Money.
SWEDEN PROPOSES DRASTIC FINES FOR SPAMMERS - proposed changing the country's advertising law, allowing it to issue fines of up to five million kronor (673,000 dollars, 558,000 euros) to spammers.
Op/Ed - WilliamF.Buckley- Prescription Drug “measure is so complicated, it is hard to sort out exactly who the beneficiaries will prove to be. “
What is America’s Abortion Policy?
AnnCoulter – “Most of the abortionists were shot ... This brings the total to: seven abortion providers to 30 million fetuses dead, which is also a pretty good estimate of how the political battle is going. “