ARROGANCE – That is the BEST word to describe Bush’s
He was Arrogant – when he decided to take us to war. He is Arrogant now – to keep us there.
The place to come for a DIFFERENT look at things. We try to use Common Sense and Logic. The only thing we ask is - you have an Open mind.
Despite Denials -
Doesn’t go far enough. ALL political candidates should be required to File Campaign Financing Income and Outgo on the Internet, so ALL could see the amount. McCain, Feingold bill.
CSpan caller suggested, on the Income Tax form, put in a NEW line
Give ---------------(party) -------------- ($???.??)
And that would be ALL the money that could be used to finance elections.
Spending MUST be disclosed on the Internet.
Campaign Finance Income Tax Check off, is now $3, it is going to $5 soon.
More money spent on Lobbying than on Elections.
That is BAD.
As you know, I have been pushing for a 5% Sales Tax on Advertising.
It would bring in $30 Billion per year.
That is 3 times the amount of the Tobacco Settlement.
What would a 5% Sales Tax on Advertising Cost.
Think of it as -
36 seconds in an Hour TV Show.
15 pages in the 300 pages of advertising supplements
you throw away UNREAD every Sunday morning.
1 word in a 20 word sentence in an Ad.
Would these companies survive?
Of course. .
Does this makes sense?
Loan Guarantees? What Loan Guarantees?
Do YOU understand this?
Does the
US bakers take fight to Atkins at 'bread summit'
The baking industry has been hit by the low carbohydrate
2. GREEDY Farming lobby 'pushed for warnings on Atkins diet'
*** Where would they put the warning?
3. The nutritionist who condemned the protein-based
Atkins Diet is working on a report looking at the benefits of a high-carbohydrate diet
funded by the Flour Advisory Bureau (Fab).
The House passed an Anti-Spam
WHO were the 5 that voted against it? Honda D – 14th Dist CA - Kucinich – Presidential candidate – D 10th Dist OH - Paul – 14th Dist – TX - Jackson-Lee (TX) – D - Dist 18 – TX - Lofgren – Dist 16 – CA
But what about the 37 that didn’t vote at all. Gephardt was one, and
Next big Advertising push will be - School Buses. To keep up to date on this lousy idea – search Google News. Have they NO Shame?
54% of Kissimmee/Osceola, FL answer Yes to - Should Advertising Be Put Into
Why is it that when
8 million Americans losing eligibility for overtime pay, largely white-collar workers
Who benefits when Freddie Mac inflated its $4.1 billion in reported earnings for 2001 by nearly $1 billion?
Dean wants ReRegulation of Energy, Airlines, and Telecomm.
Bush says he is for Free Markets, but he put Tariff on Steel
and Quota’s on
Dollar falls to ALL TIME LOW against Euro. – NOT Good.
Going to spend $200 million annually – to encourage marriage
Schwarzenegger will Not Take Salary of $175,000.
If there was a 5% Sales Tax on Advertising, it would bring in $30 Billion per year.
NV would get their share. It would be 3 times as Big as the Tobacco Settlement.
American CAN survive with 5% less advertising.
The media does want us to discuss this Tax Solution.
It wouldn’t come out of your pocket.
The Greedy Media doesn’t want Advertisers to pay their part.
If there was a 5% sales tax on advertising, there would be NO State Tax Deficit.
The ONLY cost would be 5% less advertising.
Would YOU be willing to give up 5% of the ads you are subjected to,
to balance the state budget?
ALL advertising should be taxed. Even Spam. Putting a 5% sales tax on it
would identify the Spammers, and the states could collect the money.
If the Spammers didn’t pay we could shut them down.
The reason they haven’t shut down Spammers before is, there is NO profit in shutting them down.
This idea MUST be discussed. Anyone that is against it, doesn’t understand it.
To understand it, all you have to do is – do the math.
My E-Mail address is
Send me an email if you have a comment, question, or suggestion.
I will post it on the Sales Tax on Advertising Blogger -
Prices would remain the same.
An example of how it works - Coca Cola spends $1 Million a day advertising.
Coke would STILL SPEND $1 MILLION per day, but 5% of $50,000 would go to advertising.
ALL else would stay the same.
The ADS in newspapers would be taxed, but not the newspapers.
GOP wants to build 6 more nuclear energy plants. – Republican lawmakers unveiled on Saturday a massive energy bill loaded with billions of dollars in incentives they said would create
Personal Bankruptcies Jump 7.8 Percent - more than 1.6 million people who filed for personal bankruptcy this fiscal year alone. Wonder who they will vote for!
If Microsoft isn't a Monopoly, how come I can't UNInstall Internet Explorer? This group agrees - which includes companies such as AOL, Kodak, Sun, Nokia, Yahoo and Oracle, has alleged that Microsoft is abusing its monopoly power again.
War Profiteers making BILLION$, and some soldiers NOT being paid.
NOT Fair.
Funeral Restrictions – Why has the Pentagon put Restrictions on showing bodies coming back from
Hollywood POMPOUS Jack Valenti likely to step down in January as head of the motion picture association of America, the la times is reporting in Friday editions; rep. Billy Tauzin (R-LA) seen as likely successor. Developing – From the
They should. That is one more reason for having a National Sales Tax.
It was Reported that in the
Wrong! HER lawyers got $8MILLION. They were charging $1,000 an hour.
That is Obscene! .