The place to come for a DIFFERENT look at things. We try to use Common Sense and Logic. The only thing we ask is - you have an Open mind.

Tuesday, September 30, 2003

They want to HELP you, but it CO$Ts

Who does Corporate Corruption benefit

Equifax is a Credit Reporting for businesses, consumers and the public sector. They are offering a program to “counter identity theft”. That is good. the only BAD things is – They charge you.

Monday, September 29, 2003

Why, does EVERYBODY have to be an Advocate?

Welcome to Wired News

Why, does EVERYBODY have to be an Advocate?

RFID written by Mark Baard, says, “Wal-Mart, the world's largest retailer, will force its suppliers to tag their warehouse pallets and containers with RFID tags.” WRONG!!!! Nobody is being “forced” to do anything. If a company CHOOSES not to use RFID’s they simply do not sell to Wal-mart. He didn’t say it, but RFID’s eventually could track all STOLEN GOODS, to the Crook could be Punished.

Why, does EVERYBODY have to be an Advocate?

Welcome to Wired News

Why, does EVERYBODY have to be an Advocate?

RFID written by Mark Baard, says, “Wal-Mart, the world's largest retailer, will force its suppliers to tag their warehouse pallets and containers with RFID tags.” WRONG!!!! Nobody is being “forced” to do anything. If a company CHOOSES not to use RFID’s they simply do not sell to Wal-mart. He didn’t say it, but RFID’s eventually could track all STOLEN GOODS, to the Crook could be Punished.

Wouldn't it be GREAT

Colleges Ease Way For Teachers to Get Advanced Degrees

Wouldn’t it be GREAT if we ALL Agreed ALL the Time about Everything!

The NEXT thing is to TRY to be Fair. I just got an Email from the Lady

that is fighting RFID’s. Katherine Albrecht, .

If you want to learn more about her positions, click on the links. Let me know

how YOU feel about this.

Sunday, September 28, 2003


Now that WMD Bu$H is saving the Rest of the World

Schwarzenegger only PLAYS a Hero. Only a COWARD would refuse Davis

offer of a debate. There can be NO other reason.

Friday, September 26, 2003



Poverty Level – Highest in 25 years. “The poverty rate was 12.1 percent last year, up from 11.7 percent in 2001. Nearly 34.6 million people lived in poverty, about 1.7 million more than the previous year.” Who Cares? To bad, but, they don’t vote. Bush continues to lead Everything DOWNHILL.

Thursday, September 25, 2003



Western media expressed concern over new reporting rules issued by Iraq's US-installed Governing Council warning against coverage that could incite violence or comfort supporters of Saddam Hussein.

The rules barred media from coverage that could incite violence, disorder or religious or racial tensions, advocate the return of the Baath Party or represent Saddam's group directly or indirectly.

And the council vowed to keep a close watch to make sure news organisations toed the line.

"The sewage is still coming out of the man-hole covers, there are still only 15 hours of electricity a day.....”

Wednesday, September 24, 2003


We ALL know, deep down, BUSH LIED ABOUT WMD

Why should we GIVE Iraq any Money? Why don’t we loan, what they need, to them? And, Charge them Interest? You have heard –

America should be Run as a Business. Well, then, let’s do it.

Help spread the idea.

Wednesday, September 17, 2003

Name ONE

We ALL know, deep down, BUSH LIED ABOUT WMD

In a letter to the Editor at the RJ – Al Ciricillo said – “We can release a  whole buch of overpaid bureaucrats................. they will never be missed.” Hey, Al, name one. One that won’t be missed. Should be EASY if there are SO many.

Jane Spencer at the WSJournal LISTENS.

Who does Corporate Corruption benefit

Can you imagine someone that REALLY listens. Presidential Candidates Don’t. Howard Dean is getting a LOT of Press for using the Internet in his campaign. But, Howard Dean does NOT listen. Who would vote for any candidate, in this day and time, that does NOT LISTEN. Thanks, Jane. Read her columns. They are interesting.

Tuesday, September 16, 2003


Who does Corporate Corruption benefit

Toyota hopes to boost U.S. sales of its hybrid gas-and-electric Prius by 75 percent, and an automated parking feature may help.

The new head of Toyota's American arm says the Japanese automaker wants to sell 35,000 units in the United States per year, up from the current 20,000.

The Prius uses sensors and automated steering to help even the worst drivers ease into parking spots.

The car uses a monitor screen to scan the parking location and help guide the car into position.

The chief engineer said the driver does not have to touch the steering wheel or push on the accelerator while the car is parking itself.

A hybrid car switches between a gasoline engine and electric motor to deliver the best mileage -- up to 85 miles per gallon, the company says. The car recharges itself during the drive.

Who does Corporate Corruption benefit

They MUST think credit card users are stupid. Some Banks are trying to get Credit Card users NOT to pay ALL of their bills, by giving them incentives not to.  GREEDY Corporations strike again.


Who does Corporate Corruption benefit

WSJournal reports - American soldiers kicking down doors to take

SUSPECTS away. Making relatives wait in 130-degree heat, and then

told - they couldn't find her brother and father in a database.

"They treat us all the same, like we are their enemies,"

"Then they wonder why people hate them and form resistance groups."

Who does that remind you of?

Saturday, September 13, 2003

Make ALL airlines FIRST CLASS

Bush KNEW that WMD was a Lie

William F. Buckley is complaining. He calls – First Class – he calls it Business Class.  NOT SO! Business is Economy. Hey, Bill, if you want to travel First Class, expect to pay First Class prices. Solutions – Make ALL Airline Seats FIRST CLASS.


Bush KNEW that WMD was a Lie

Ann Coulter’s, the Queen of Hate, in her column of 9-11-03 had - would surpass even Tariq Aziz with severe menstrual cramps. Hey, Ann, MEN don’t have menstrual cramps. Is that why ALL Conservatives are so HATEFUL?

Thursday, September 11, 2003


Who does Corporate Corruption benefit

Bush said, "Let us not get caught up in past bickering.” talking about France and Germany.

Oh, Sure. But, Bush was the ONE that started the bickering. Bush always sounds like

a crybaby – I WANT MY WAY, and, I want it NOW!!!!

Wednesday, September 10, 2003

You can accuse Ann Coulter of a LOT OF THINGS. But, NEVER, accuse her of
Using Logic, or Being Humorous.
She believes you PROVE Bush is GOOD, by proving McCarthy is good.
She PROVES Bush is good, but proving - the War on Poverty is BAD.
William F. Buckey said this about Bush. BUSH IS EVILHe gravely miscalculated the onus of what he set out to do in Iraq (news - web sites). The consequences of that miscalculation are deaths unending, and more money spent than King Solomon dreamed of. The economy lacks the kind of resiliency it might have shown if more resourcefully tended.
His truckling to the rich in his tax cuts shows a callous disregard of civil adjudications between America's poor and America's rich.
He is a liar. He specifically informed the public that Iraq had in hand instantly deployable weapons of mass destruction. These, it proved, did not exist.

Monday, September 01, 2003

Buckley Defines Conservatives.

I am a William Buckley fan. In his column today, he is talking about the pending strike at Yale.

And he hit the Nail Right on the Head – well, almost. He said – “What is engrossing is the

whole scene. Yale's political prejudices are exuberantly liberal

(to unearth a professor in the social sciences who voted Republican would earn a

Pulitzer for investigative reporting).

But suddenly we have the officials of this liberal university acting like” ... Conservatives.

Only he calls them “hard-hearted, union-busting capitalist exploiters of the working class.”

But, hey, THAT is what conservatives are isn’t it?

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Curious, Patriotic, Honest, Truthful, Watcher.