The place to come for a DIFFERENT look at things. We try to use Common Sense and Logic. The only thing we ask is - you have an Open mind.

Wednesday, July 30, 2003

AlJazeerah is online

We ALL know, deep down, BUSH LIED ABOUT WMD

AlJazeerah has a Website < click here. They say it is - Your Gateway to Understanding

the world system, American Foreign Policy, and the Arab and Muslim Worlds ...

Could be interesting. What is YOUR Take?

Tuesday, July 29, 2003


Today is the day to vote in the MoveOn Primary

Webcams in the classroom, so parents can observe their child would improve discipline, and involve parents. Only Parents with PASSWORD would have access. ACLU “feared” Aliens from other planets “would be able to hack into the system.”


Today is the day to vote in the MoveOn Primary

U.S. Alleges Liver-Transplant Fraud at 3 Chicago Hospitals     University of Illinois Medical Center at Chicago, Northwestern Memorial Hospital, University of Illinois. 17,334 people waiting for liver transplants as of July 18, including 1,179 in Illinois. 5,327 people actually got donor livers in 2002, including 222 in Illinois.

Corporate Criminals should have a FACE.

Today is the day to vote in the MoveOn Primary

settlement with  J. P. Morgan Chase and Citigroup - Nation's two largest banks agreed yesterday to pay almost $300 million in fines and penalties to settle accusations that they aided Enron in misrepresenting its true financial condition for years before the company collapsed. Agree??? Agree??? How nice of them. NOT GOOD ENOUGH. THE PEOPLE THAT DID THE CRIME SHOULD BE PUNISHED.

Corporate Criminals should have a FACE.

Today is the day to vote in the MoveOn Primary

settlement with  J. P. Morgan Chase and Citigroup - Nation's two largest banks agreed yesterday to pay almost $300 million in fines and penalties to settle accusations that they aided Enron in misrepresenting its true financial condition for years before the company collapsed. Agree??? Agree??? How nice of them. NOT GOOD ENOUGH. THE PEOPLE THAT DID THE CRIME SHOULD BE PUNISHED.

Monday, July 28, 2003


In the CA Recall Election – ONLY those that voted in the FIRST election should be allowed to vote in the Recall.


Sunday, July 27, 2003


Now that WMD Bu$H is saving the Rest of the World

Grumpy Old Vin Suprynowicz writes some strange things in his RJ columns. Most that PROVE he has NO idea about how the system works. Example -  Children come home to empty houses because mom is out working just to pay the taxes on dad's paycheck.” He ends his column with “Coming up soon: Required referenda 6 through 12. Some of which are lots better. WE SURE HOPE SO.

Saturday, July 26, 2003


Vin Letter

Before you read this posting – think – it was written by an RJ reporter.

So, turn on your skeptical mind before reading. One thing we DO know is that a LOT of the RJ reporting is “Malicious”.

Monday, I will contact ALL of the players, and will report it and ALL updates here, in my LVRJ Blogger.  <<< Click to read.

The RJ can NEVER BE ACCUSED OF “aggressive, thorough and fair reporting” as the article indicates.

The Players are - Vin Suprynowicz, Justices Bob Rose, Miriam Shearing and Deborah Agosti, RJ Editor Thomas Mitchell, general counsel for the Review-Journal Mark Hinueber, editorial page editor John Kerr, and Carri Geer Thevenot, who wrote this article.

The following is MY editing of the article. I edited it to make it easier to understand.

Letter demands newspaper retract statements <<< Click for the full article.

By CARRI GEER THEVENOT                               REVIEW-JOURNAL

Saturday, July 26, 2003

The Review-Journal received a letter Friday demanding that the newspaper retract statements made in an opinion column about three Nevada Supreme Court justices.


Las Vegas attorney Dominic Gentile wrote the letter on behalf of Justices Bob Rose, Miriam Shearing and Deborah Agosti.


Mark Hinueber, general counsel for the Review-Journal, said the letter is a procedural step required under Nevada law before filing a defamation lawsuit. Mitchell said a process server delivered the letter to him.


According to Suprynowicz's column, he had lunch on July 1 with a retired Nevada judge who told him: "The fix is in. Guinn went to Rose and Shearing on the Supreme Court some time ago and got their agreement that they'll impose the tax hikes. Agosti is wavering, but it'll probably be 6-to-1.


Later in the column, Suprynowicz wrote, "And so the thin veneer that had still duped many of us into believing we had a government of law, and that our political leaders were not bought-and-paid-for shills of the gaming industry and the big government unions, has now been stripped aside ..."


"That such a statement is an accusation and allegation of bribery and corruption in its common meaning in the present day is irrefutable," the attorney wrote.


In a telephone interview Friday afternoon, Rose said Suprynowicz's column made "false and malicious allegations."


"The Review-Journal was irresponsible in even printing those allegations without doing any checking or investigating," the justice said.


Rose said the column specifically accused him of committing a crime. "When you're fixing a judge, it is a crime," he said.


In Gentile's letter, he cites a portion of the Society of Professional Journalists' code of ethics that states, "Journalists should diligently seek out subjects of news stories to give them the opportunity to respond to allegations of wrongdoing."


Hinueber described Gentile's demand letter as "an outrageous attempt to chill the Review-Journal's aggressive, thorough and fair reporting on the Nevada Supreme Court and to discover confidential sources of the newspaper."


According to a U.S. Supreme Court decision, public officials must show that a journalist acted with actual malice in order to succeed with a libel case.


"I'm glad I wrote the column," Suprynowicz said. "I think we need a public discussion of this issue."


As always. I invite your comments, and will post them.

What I can’t figure out is why Vin quit writing his usual – Pro-Dope, Anti-Teacher, Anti-Union, Anti-Gun Control – Repeats.

Thursday, July 24, 2003


Paul Wolfowitz – is the guy that kept beating the drums to – GO TO WAR WITH IRAQ – NOW he admits these pre-war assumptions were wrong - that some Iraqi Army units would switch sides, Iraqi Police would help maintain security; and that regime remnants would not resort to guerrilla tactics.

Warlord Paul Bremer, it will take up to $13 billion "to rebuild and meet foreseeable power demands." latest plan will restore electricity, water and healthcare to pre-war levels in Iraq within two months.

Tuesday, July 22, 2003


Today is the day to vote in the MoveOn Primary

The UN is the one to work to solve the problem in Liberia. We should all be working to make the UN Stronger. Bu$h has done More to END the UN than anyone I can think of.


Today is the day to vote in the MoveOn Primary

The UN is the one to work to solve the problem in Liberia. We should all be working to make the UN Stronger. Bu$h has done More to END the UN than anyone I can think of.

Monday, July 21, 2003

They NEVER reveal the “evidence” tho.

Warlord Bremer, on Sunday, told the beloved FoxSnooze  "There has been some evidence of planning for the possibility of losing the war militarily and going into some kind of insurgency or organized resistance,"

Sunday, July 20, 2003


Bush -

They knew NOTHING to prevent 911.

To start the war EARLY they KNEW where was Suddam. WRONG!

Later they KNEW he was in a Bunker, that was bombed. WRONG!

State of the Union speech – they KNEW – Iraq was getting uranium from Africa. WRONG! Why would Bu$H continue to rely on them?

Friday, July 18, 2003

Bush Cutting OFF Email.


To send an email to Bush Go to – Contact – at the bottom of the page – in the small print.

Then wait for a LONG time. I feel certain this site is VERY busy.

Then there is one continue - two continues - At this point I gave up. It is OBVIOUS he does NOT want to hear from us. Why should he – HE ALREADY KNOWS IT ALL.

LITTLE KNOWN NAMES get Bush in trouble.


Bob Joseph is the guy that pushed to get the lies in the State of the Union Message.

Paul Wolfowitz is the guy that pushed to get Bush to go to war with Iraq.

LITTLE KNOWN NAMES get Bush in trouble.


Bob Joseph is the guy that pushed to get the lies in the State of the Union Message.

Paul Wolfowitz is the guy that pushed to get Bush to go to war with Iraq.

CA Plan - Easier to read version

This is the plan in CA

I redid the  report -

California Republicans propose drastic cuts in social spending

hopefully, to make it easier to read.



$615 million in cuts to elementary education on top of the $291 million proposed by Davis.


postponing kindergarten for some 110,000 five-year-olds for one year


proposed cutting $454 million from the budget for community colleges; the other side countered with a proposed cut of $782 million.


Eliminate community $59 million outreach programs in the California State University system


$497 million to be cut from the state’s welfare grant program,


cut funds for abortions,

close shelters for battered women,

end all medical programs not reimbursed by the federal government and

abolish the state’s Arts Council.


$450 million from the state’s prison system


reduce funding for the California Youth Authority


do away with the Coastal Commission


eliminate health care coverage for Native Americans.


withhold $50 payments to poor blind people that go toward the feeding of their seeing-eye dogs


re-qualify poor children for medical benefits under the state health plan for uninsured children.


Raise Tuition at public colleges would rise well beyond the 30 percent projected


eliminate the state’s Seismic Safety Commission




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Curious, Patriotic, Honest, Truthful, Watcher.