Remember that $400 per child tax credit that was in the tax bill?
We have now learned that at the very last minute, behind closed doors, the Republican leaders in Congress pulled a bait-and-switch.
They eliminated from the bill that $400 child credit for families who make just above the minimum wage.
Eleven million children in families with incomes roughly between ten thousand and twenty six thousand dollars a year won't be getting the check that was supposed to be in the mail this summer.
Eleven million children punished for being poor, even as the rich are rewarded for being rich.
That the White House withheld a Treasury department study showing that the country faces chronic deficits totaling over $44 trillion dollars. They kept it secret lest it throw the fear of God into Congress and the financial markets and cost them the tax cut for the rich.
At mid-day today the national debt was over 6.5 trillion dollars and climbing.
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